In-network with UHC, Cigna, Kaiser, Blue Shield of CA, Anthem, and more!

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Take the next step in your career with Beaming.

By working with Beaming, you retain complete control over your schedule. You choose who you want to work with when you want to work with them. We handle all of the insurance paperwork in the background and help you find families to work with.

Autonomy without the admin headache

Our unique approach allows you to function as a private practice owner, retaining autonomy over how you practice and when you practice. Our role is to serve as both your insurance biller and your marketing expert.


We negotiate rates, then take care of everything from credentialing to authorizations to billing. We guarantee you will be paid for every session on a bi-weekly basis.


We help you build a resilient and reliable source of families by connecting you with families looking for in-network care.

Contact our recruiting team!

Are you a Speech-Language Pathologist or Occupational Therapist in the Bay Area? We'd love to meet you and hear about your goals.

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